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2024-05-28 10:25:49

WizTree v4.09-简体中文便携版-通过MFT检索硬盘中大文件

2022-08-16 19:55:42 发布

PC电脑软件 /[辅助工具] 159441515 0 0

发表于 2022-8-16 19:55:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

WizTree v4.09 简体中文便携版,通过 MFT 检索硬盘中大文件,导出导入分享扫描记录



支持简体中文、繁体中文,等 25 种多国语言
翻译源文件格式 .po  可使用 PoEdit 自力更生

通过读取 NTFS 文件系统的主文件表(MFT,Master File Table),实现文件迅速排序
支持将扫描结果,以 CSV 文件分享导入,支持将主文件表转储成 .MFT 文件分享导入
支持以 SpaceSniffer 用颜色区块,显示占用情况,支持通过文件类型按占用直观排序
支持过滤器,精确排查指定条件下的占用情况 https://diskanalyzer.com/guide#search

个人商业用途最低售价 10 美元

Disk free space on treemap will now be displayed separately for each selection when using the " select multiple " option
Export functions updated to always format floating point values (like percentages) using a point as currency separator.
Previously it used the system locale character which is a comma in some countries.
This extra comma would create problems when importing the data into other applications (like spreadsheets)
Double clicking a file or folder in the tree or file view will now automatically open it
Files / folders can now be dragged out of WizTree and into Windows Explorer windows to copy / move them.
Hold Shift key while dragging to move the file, otherwise it will be copied.
Dragging will only work when dragged from the file name column.
Dragging in other columns will select all files in the selection rectangle.
Copy (Ctrl+C)/ Cut (Ctrl+X) menu items added to File Menu.
Copy path shortcut changed from Ctrl+C to Ctrl+Alt+C
Copy Path function will no longer include a trailing carriage return if only one item is selected
Drive name now displayed in tree view and treemap
Menu accelerator keys were not working in dark mode (fixed)
new command line parameter added to select size or allocated space for treemap image export (default is size):
WizTree64.exe C: /treemapimagefile="C:\temp\cdriveimage_%d.png" /treemapimagewidth=1024 /treemapimageheight=768 /treemapimagefreespace=0 /treemapimageshowallocated=1

WizTree v4.09 简体中文便携版,官方地址
适用 32 / 64 位的 Win XP、Vista、7、8、10、11

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